Hi my lovely readers!

How is everyone and where have the past months gone? I can’t believe we’re in November already, which I’m looking forward to very much. It’s my birthday month, time to cuddle up inside under a warm blanket and Christmas is around the corner, my favourite time of the year.

The past few months have been very busy for me and sadly I had to or better chose to take a step back from blogging.

After more than one year I finally got to see my parents, extended family and friends abroad again. It has been such a long time and spending good quality time with them was the most important thing to do at that point in time. So that’s what I did and I can tell you it felt absolutely right and so good.

Seeing friends and family, taking a step back from blogging and just taking a break felt amazing and was exactly what I needed.

I also purchased my first property together with my partner and moved into my new flat. Conveyancing was a time consuming, draining and in the end very stressful process. And of course moving all your furniture, getting the new place ready, starting DIY projects takes a lot of time, too and energy.

But I’m more or less settled now, am feeling refreshed mentally and am ready to blog again! Therefore, watch this space for future blog posts as my blogging break is officially over! 🙂

6 thoughts on “WHERE WAS I?

    1. Haha, yes my break is over and not blogging! Thanks for pointing this out Andy. That would be sad if blogging was over for me as I do enjoy it. 🙂


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