The warm summer days call for a change.

We need to shed our winter skin and bring back our summer glow. I have already put away my winter clothes and those hot, stuffy boots in exchange for my beautiful summer outfits and pretty shoes.

I like wearing sandals in the summer as they are light and airy, but my feet often do not look the part. They definitely need some TLC  before they can be showcased.

Here are my six footcare tips to get our feet smooth and sandal – ready, perfect for those warm summer days and long walks.



Start by soaking your feet in some warm water. This will clean your feet and soften the skin as well as toe nails. Make sure to dry your feet thoroughly, especially between the toes to avoid fungal infection.

A foot bath is great as it can sooth the muscles and it will make your feet feel fresh, super clean and revitalised. Furthermore, it can relieve foot pain caused by long periods of standing or long walks.


Exfoliation is very important as it removes dry patches and dead cells that clog the skin and prevent it from breathing and working properly.

The removal of dead skin adds cell regeneration and uncovers new once, too. As a result, moisturisers can penetrate the skin better and work more effectively. Your skin will look and feel better.

There are different ways to exfoliate your skin. You can use a foot scrub, an exfoliation cream or a pumice stone.

I personally prefer a pumice stone as I can use it while taking a shower. It is less hassle for me.


It is important to moisturise the skin and nourish it. Our feet definitely need care as we stand and walk on them all the time, every day.

You can invest in a proper foot moisturiser as the skin on our feet is thicker than anywhere else on our body. As a result, they need a more intense moisturiser.

I personally alternate between a foot cream and a normal body lotion. However, I do treat my feet regularly to a foot nourishing sock pack. These really penetrate the skin and make my feet super soft. They always feel revitalised and lighter afterwards as well.



I do not know about you, but the cuticles are often overlooked and mine do not always look their best, I must confess.

Therefore, bring them into shape with some cuticle remover and clippers and invest in a nourishing cream or serum if you can.

Cuticles can best be treated when they are soft, after your shower or foot bath in this case. Push them back gently with the cuticle remover and trim the hanging skin bits with a cuticle clipper.

Do not cut of to much though as otherwise you might start bleeding and that would not be pretty at all, plus it hurts a lot. Afterwards, apply the cuticle serum.


Bring your nails into shape and form while you are on it and while they are soft. This makes it easier to cut them.

Toe nails should normally be cut straight to prevent ingrowth. However, cutting down the sites a little is allowed in order for them to be away from the skin. Again, this helps to avoid ingrowth if the nails are too close to the skin. Use a nail file for shaping to avoid any damage.

If you are prone to ridges on your nails, a nail buffer can become your best friend. Especially if you catch on to things all the time, which can be very annoying and damage the nail even further.

Use the nail buffer sporadically though not to remove too much of your nail. You do not want to make them too thin and weak.


Last but not least, the finishing touches.

If you use nail polish all the time, it might be a good idea to give your nails a break and go bare. You can use the nail buffer to add some shine if you want.

Alternatively, pick your favourite summer colour and start painting!

6 Tips For Getting Your Feet Summer And Sandal-Ready




    1. Wow, that is great. That is going the extra mile for your feet 🙂 We take care of our face and body, but our feet are often overlooked.


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